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Innovators And Investors Executive Leadership Forum Members are expected to attend a majority of meetings and should be willing to help recruit new members. Sharing of member perspectives, experience and connections so that all involved grow.

Our Objectives & Learning Points

Peer to peer learning amongst individuals that have a very successful track in business as an innovator, founder or investor.

Our Mission

The group was created to provide a platform for accomplished business leaders to connect and learn from each other.

Our purpose is the education of members and to benefit from the shared knowledge, contacts and experiences of our members. We seek to help our members benefit professionally, intellectually, and financially through the relationships formed.

Our Values

Members are expected to attend the majority of the meetings. All should be willing to help recruit new members. It’s through the sharing of member perspectives, experience, and connections that all involved grow.

It’s also expected that all involved will have sensitivity to the information that is shared or disclosed during these meetings.

Our Members

CEOs, Directors, Private Equity and Venture partners, Angel investors. Members may have successful track record leading public or private companies.

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Our Members

CEOs, Directors, Private Equity and Venture partners, Angel investors. Members may have successful track record leading public or private companies.

Jim Berwick

Position: Clarion Brands, CFO
Categories: Team Members

Jim Berwick

Clarion Brands, CFO

Jim Smart

Position: SMART Medical Products , CEO
Categories: Team Members

Jim Smart

SMART Medical Products , CEO
Jonathan Zabusky

Jonathan Zabusky

Position: GrubHub, CEO
Categories: Team Members

Jonathan Zabusky

GrubHub, CEO

Jon Alt

Position: Cornerstone Capital Holdings
Categories: Team Members

Jon Alt

Cornerstone Capital Holdings

Jude Tuma

Position: GEMINUS, Managing Partner
Categories: Team Members

Jude Tuma

GEMINUS, Managing Partner

Kyle Asman

Position: Backswing Ventures, Managing Partner
Categories: Team Members

Kyle Asman

Backswing Ventures, Managing Partner

Larry Ward

Position: DistributionOne , CEO
Categories: Team Members

Larry Ward

DistributionOne , CEO

Lew Klessel

Position: New Mountain Capital, Managing Partner
Categories: Team Members

Lew Klessel

New Mountain Capital, Managing Partner

Mel Baiada

Position: Basecamp Ventures
Categories: Team Members

Mel Baiada

Basecamp Ventures

Michael Webb

Position: CXL Ophthalmics, President and CEO
Categories: Team Members

Michael Webb

CXL Ophthalmics, President and CEO

Contact Us

Feel free to reach out to us with any questions regarding
our products and/or services. We look forward to hearing from you!
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